latest news
One show in 2024 - but what a show!
We had some wonderful days at IMHC Sweden Summer Show.
Horses did their best and results were amazing!
So happy to have the best team of helpers - thank you!!
latest news
Al Pacino is AMHA International Honor Roll Champion
Al Pacino won the AMHA international honor roll, country pleasure driving 2023.
Ice Princess was placed 3rd in 2yr old mare 31-33"
I'm very happy with these accomplishments.
latest news
Princess is AMHR International All Star winner!
Princess won AMHR International All Star award for 2 year old mares under.
She gained 81 point during 2023.
She was also placed four in the amateaur section for junior mares under.
This is the first time JP Miniatures wins an International All Star-title!
latest news
JP Miniatures in Malgre Tout Magasin
Ice Princess featured in the Danish magasin, Malgre Tout.
She is used as an example of the modern miniature horse.
You can find the article here if you push the button.
latest news
Winter's here...
Denmark has been covered in snow from the beginning of the new year but the horses don't seem to care.
They have lovely, thick winter coats and lots of hot water and hay.
It looks like a winter wonderland but we are definately looking foreward to spring and longer days.
Until the weather gets better, the horses enjoy some time off training.
We are waiting to get ready for season 2024!
latest news
What a year!
I'm beyond satisfied with this year! It has been a true pleasure to spend lots of hours with the best people in the indutry. My horses have been amazing and proved that my stable is one of the best in Europe.
I was the only stable with two horses qualified for the AMHA European Open Supreme-title. I picked up 4 out of 12 Grands at that show and got to take home the most winning horse at the show.
The results have absolutely thrilling but the moments, memories, experiences, laughter, cheer and drinks were even better! It has been a year I will remeber forever.
latest news
My amazing Diamond has found a new home with Cindel and Ella.
She was treasured during the summer when she was stabled at their place for a breeding.
They missed her so much and asked if they could buy her.
She will move when she has foaled in May.
She will be missed but I'm sure it is the best home for her!
latest news
AMHA European Regional Championship
The last show of the season has left my breathless!
Ice won the biggest class this year and became
Thank you, STP Training Centre,
for making her look like queen she is.
Al showed his heart out and won three grands.
latest news
Too late...
You missed the change of buying a lovely colt.
Dolcetto is sold to a wonderful home in Belgium.
Thank you, Martine, for trusting me and best of luck with your new boy.
Thank you, Cindel, for making the contact to Martine.
latest news
Baby on board
Diamond has been vet checked in foal to EBF Mi Unique.
Due date is May 30th. 2024 and I am super excited to welcome this special baby.
Both dam and sire are proven show horses and this is a dream combination for me.
Fingers crossed for a healthy baby!
Thank you, Cindel, for taking good care of Diamond.
latest news
AMHR European Nationals
So unbelievable happy to own an AMHR European National Champion!
The competition for junior mares under was the best I've seen in years - large number of pretty fillies! It makes me very happy to compete against such amazing horses.
Thank you so much to the best team, STP Training Center, and the entire group of wonderful people.
latest news
Back home
Due to personal changes the buyer of Ellie wanted to sell her. I had no second thought and took her back right away.
I'm so happy to have her home!
latest news
Love is in the air...
After months of planning Diamond has finally arrived at Groenkloosterhof in Belgium for her love affair with the amazing stallion, EBF Mi Unique.
I've always liked Unique with his stunning exterior and his sweet appearance. Standing only 31,5'' tall I think that he is the perfect match for Diamond and I'm very excited to see what they can produce for me.
latest news
Another wonderful weekend with the best girl in the world. Ice looked amazing and won AMHR Two Year Old Mares Under.
Thank you, Katja, for a lovely weekend.
Thank you, Kai & Wolfgang, for you hospitality.
Thank you, Guy & Natalie, for all your hard work.
Thank you, EquuSpirit-team, for a lovely show.
Thank you, Julia, Silvia, Eric & Lisa, for lots of fun!
latest news
IMHC Blossom in the Air
We had a BLAST at the first international show of the season. So much fun with team STP - lots of laughter, good results and drinks!
Thank you so much, Guy & Natalie, for the work you have done with Ice Princess. And to Sylvia, Mimmi, Karen, Kai, Wolfgang & Nathalie for a wonderful weekend.
We won Reserve Grand Champion Amateur Under & Reserve Supreme Champion Amateur Under. It's gonna be an amazing season!
latest news
Champions Cup Primetime
Wow, what a way to kick of the season!
Brought three (very electric) horses to Champions Cup Primetime - bet they were as excited as me to start showing again.
Dolcetto got some nice comments from the judge and was runner up for the grand. Both Al & Paris went Grand Champions.
We had a blast and I'm so happy with these horses!
Thank you so much, Talle & Asta, for helping me out!